Biyernes, Setyembre 7, 2012

"My SuperMOM"

    Have you ever wondered what a true hero is like??? Everyone in the world has a different opinion about what a hero is. When people say hero,they usually think of cartoon characters like superman,spider man,or Sponge Bob. They come in many shapes,sizes,have different characteristics,values,and beliefs. But for me,a hero is someone who is willing to put a hundred percent effort into protecting you from pain. They will stop at nothing to provide you with the security of safety and will share with you the knowledge required for survival. A hero doesn't have to have impeccable character,high importance in society,or have a classic sandwich named after them in local pub. A hero just needs to be someone who cares for your happiness and loves you for being your self. My Mother is my hero.

     My "MOM" is caring,encouraging,and she loves me. I won't be able to make it to today if she had never taught me all those lessons of life. My mom cares for my family and me. She cares about my school work as well as Housework. My Grandma once told me that when my mom was my age,she took care of my aunts and uncles before she get to have a time of her own. She is always willing to help others on their time of needs. When I accidentally broke something,she's the first person I came to. Whenever things go wrong,she is the one that I trust the most. My mom is always encouraging  me to do well in school and at home.She keeps telling me not to give up no matter how complicated and intricate objective is. My mom is always encouraging me not to step down the stairs of life. When I bring home a bad grade,she always gently talk to me and expected me to do better. Sometimes,I got irate because she expected too much out of me,but at the end,I realize that she was always be there for me when I need her. My mom loves me ever since she carried me and she always will be for the rest of her life. She never did tell me,but somewhere deep inside. I know it was love. Even though sometimes I talk back at her,I know that I will always be her sweetheart. My mom loves me for who I am and she will love me if I changed. My mom is always willing to sacrifice her self for my family and me. Sometimes I catch myself,hating her,but the truth is I hated myself for disobeying her. My mom is a wonderful person.

     My mother is a wonderful woman. She's the best mom that I could ever have. She's the one person in my life that I could trust the most. I could tell my mom anything in the world and she'll understand me. I'm glad that she is my mom. I LOVE MY MOM!!! :) SHE IS MY HERO!!!....I'm lucky because I have a mom like you mom.

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