"My Teacher My Hero"
There are countless definitions of heroes today.Is it a superstar who used his fame and fortune to help the needy in his hometown? Is it a firefighter who sees no danger in all circumstances just to save lives of people? Is it an Overseas Filipino Worker who is ready to bear the pain of being alone just to provide his family a comfortable life? But what really makes a person a hero?
There are heroes and heroines,national and local.Some of them are born,others are made.Many are still living while may others have long been gone.It is to the latter that monuments and museums were built to keep alive their memories in our hearts and mind.Public buildings,parks and plazas,streets and few cities and provinces have been named after them.Important dates and events are usually marked red in the calendar to remind us of their birth or death anniversary.During the celebration of these events,program speaker take turns extolling to high heavens whatever good they had done for the country.But behind all these great people are strong foundations that guide,develop.and mold them all throughout.They are the teachers!!!

What else can we think of when teachers are mentioned?Their understanding,hardships,advice and care for us students.And of course,lectures,new lessons,quizzes and assignments!Those memories when they came about to tell stories and jokes with us students.Their "SERMONS" to us during times when we were disobedient,or lazy to pass our assignments.It's their continuous patience and hard works for us that make them our hero.
However,education is one of the greatest gift mankind can ever receive.It is vital to anybody.What could be in a school without our teachers?There would be no students as well that in fact,students will not be able to go to school and learn what they are supposed to learn.There will be ignorance.Having our teachers we were able to learn and understand things easier and quicker.Because of their teachings a lot of people have reached and accomplished their goals in life.
Teachers don't only teach theories to us but they are also sources of moral teachings.Inside and outside the campus.our teachers are our models.In relation to health and wellness,the teacher is expected to have and project a good state of both mental and physical health.Teachers are treasures in society;let us help them be at their best so that they too can help bring out the best in our children,in their students.Our second parents,our teachers have helped a lot in the contribution of our success.They will forever be a treasure.This teacher's day was a good way of expressing gratitude to our beloved teachers whom are the reasons why we have accomplished most of what we have accomplished until present.However,we should not only express our warmest thanks to our teachers during 5th day of the month of October but it should always be done.THANK YOU TEACHERS!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
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