Sabado, Hunyo 15, 2013



                EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS!!! When I hear this quotation my mind always talking and she tell that I want to be a teacher someday.

            I know that to be a teacher is a very drudgery profession, but I know that this is what I want. So I choose it to be my course. I choose it because I know in myself that I want to teach and help students to reach their dreams in life and I want to be a role model, a good role model to my students and the same with my fellow teachers someday. I will teach them a good value. I also choose this course because I am inspired by my grandmother, when I am looking her when I was still young I told to myself that I would be like her someday. When I am watching her teaching, I saw her eyes that she is very happy. When I see her smile my heart is smiling and dancing because of the happiness it feels. So my mind starts to ask questions. And I know that I can answer those questions if I would be a teacher someday.

            I know that to be a teacher is not that easy. I just have to believe in myself and do my best so that I will be a prosperous teacher someday. I have to face all my problems face them with all my strength I have to be brave so that I can follow the foot step of my grandmother. When I will become a true teacher someday I will be happy that I will share my knowledge to my students who are willing to reach their ambitions and dreams in life. I will be the right way for them. SELF-TRUST IS THE BEST ELEMENT TO SUCCESS.. 

Lunes, Enero 14, 2013

"New year,New me"


New Year has always seemed to me a beginning of a new cycle, or a new path of self-development, but I never write detailed resolutions, having only abstractive understanding of my plans for future. But this year will end with a following resolution.

First of all, I would like to become more assertive and self-confident. I need thus some more courage in my daily affairs. In addition, I need some courage to esteem my faults and failures and put them on the path of improvement: it seems like I'm becoming dependant upon the opinions of my surrounding (friends, relatives and classmates), so I would like to manage some situations on my own, without relying upon the others' advice or imposition. I want to become more independent in my attitudes and viewpoints and to get the ability to separate my judgments from those of others.

Then, I would like to become more honest with myself. Sometimes I seem too benevolent and justify inappropriate behaviors of my friends, yet there couldn't be any justification. I also use this technique to justify my own mistakes, yet I should simply accept myself as a human being who has an inclination to making mistakes, because this is the most trustworthy way of gaining experience and knowledge.

Thirdly, I would like to slow down my life, because it seems too busy, so I have almost no time for self-reflection, introspection and communication with my family. Sometimes it seems like my nearest and dearest people receive too little attention and care from me, so this gap will be filled and I will spend more time with my parents.

To sum up, I would like to say that I will not keep waiting for New Year and will realize my plan in the nearest future... It is not necessary to wait for new cycle in order to change your life, because some alterations can and must be done immediately. 

"Essence of Christmas"


          The true meaning of Christmas, I believe, is Jesus Christ itself. He was born for a purpose and it was sacrificing himself just to save the sinners and imperfect people like me. Christmas is not just about the expensive gifts, new gadgets and branded clothes, but it’s all about the birth of the Man who saved us from the death and payed for our sins. Christmas is all about Him.

             To me Christmas means a time of happiness towards everyone. It is a time when families and close friends come home from all over the world to be with the people they love. To most people family and friends come first in their lives, so this is obviously a very favored holiday.
            I cried in pain to see how people tend to forget the true meaning of it. They were blinded by the culture or the tradition they thought were all correct. What’s more disappointing, is that they are oblivious on their actions. They all thought that it was correct to celebrate that way for they never heard the truth.
Christmas time is my favorite time of year. I love when it’s time to shop for all those Christmas gifts for everyone. I love the red and green decorations, and my beautifully decorated Christmas tree sitting in my living room. I love the snow, when my grandma makes her gingerbread cookies, and the great music. But most of all, I love this time of year because I get the chance to be with my family and friends while I enjoy everyone’s Christmas cheer during this wonderful time of year.
            So this upcoming Christmas, Let’s celebrate it differently. Let’s celebrate it as how God wanted it to be. Let’s all celebrate Christmas with Him. For Emmanuel has born which means God is with us.
           We should make sure that as we celebrate Christmas, God is truly with us.
God bless everyone! Merry Christmas :)

Miyerkules, Disyembre 5, 2012



              Women and men have equal but different missions in life, each pursuing their own path to holiness. For women to adopt the lifestyle of men is not only contrary to their nature and divinely given task, but betrays a lack of self-respect for their own dignity and worth.

               It is disturbing to see that in society today I see as many unjust women as men. Most women have declared that women and men should have equal rights and I, as a woman, have to agree. However, many women today are abusing their rights for their benefit. What happened to equal rights? We may have equality in rights but we are not created equal, yet in some situations, e.g., in the workplace, many women lash out their anger and blame men. We are put on earth to do different things. We are built differently and we think differently. Naturally, women and men will have disagreements now and then. However, women must recognize that misusing their rights to take revenge for what men did in the past will not solve anything. Many women still believe that most men today view women as inferior, but when the fight for equality becomes distorted, women can be as sexist, prejudice and based as men.

               Every man,woman and child deserve equal rights.Equal opportunities.Equal dignity.Without discrimination.  

Lunes, Nobyembre 19, 2012

"Climate Change"

Climate change is brought about by the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which significantly changes the normal or expected weather patterns and conditions in a specific region of the E

arClimate change is a tangible problem and its existence can no longer be denied. It is one of the most important scientific, economic threats facing to the earth. There are many factors lead to climate change, such as greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, fossil fuels. Although it would be self-deception to believe that humans had nothing to do with it, the fact is that human activities caused negative effects on climate change. More people exploit more natural resources, cut more trees, use more fossil fuels, produce more wastes, build more roads, dams and cities, pollute more soil, water and air, and contribute more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, which may lead to the ozone depletion and global warming, i.e., ultimately damaging the entire environment and annoying the climatic change. Thus, man is capable of influencing global climate deliberately or inadvertently through his various actions and activities.

Because CO2 and other greenhouse gases are so long-lived in the atmosphere, enhanced greenhouse warming can be expected to persist for centuries. The impacts - many of which are effectively irreversible - will affect everyone on earth. Human health, patterns and intensity of precipitation, water and food supplies, coastal development, energy supplies, and the viability of natural systems: all will be affected if Earth's climate continues to change.

However, all of us can play vital part of the climate change solution. As a citizen, we can ensure that governments recognize the importance of global warming and follow through on their promises. As a consumer, we can support companies that are making the biggest strides in fighting climate change and encourage other companies to make reducing greenhouse gases a priority. If we’re really passionate about having our voice heard, we might even want to consider joining a group dedicated to spreading the world about global warming.

Biyernes, Oktubre 5, 2012

2nd Grading with Ma'am Queyquep is fun!!! :)

                      There is so many things we need to learn in our life.In learning things we have to be strong to be able to have what we want.In life we face many problems before we get what we wish for,so we have to be strong,we need to remove all the fear in our body.we need to give all our best.Don't be afraid to commit mistakes because all of us commit mistakes and we learn from our mistakes.  

                 I am a student of Ilocos Sur National High School,I am fourth year and I belong to the second section in the regular "BONIFACIO".This 2nd grading I met a beautiful and smart practice teacher she is Ms.Queyquep, I learn many things in school specially to our ICT subject it is about computer.Our practice teacher discussed many topics,so I learn many things this 2nd grading I learn about the parts of a web browser,about the two types of web page,about the parts of the page address,about the ways in using a search engine,about Basic  HTML,HTML Tags and many more..She teaches us with all her power to be able us to know all the things we have to know about this subject,so I’m thankful that we have a practice teacher like her..I wish that when I will become a teacher someday I will be like her because she is verygood,I hope that I’m part of her life now.hehe.Tnx a lot ma’am for all your sacrifices.. We love you.. hehe

                  I encounter many problems in 2nd Grading like when I was absent and we have a quiz I don’t know what to write in my paper.

                Moving on I will do my best in this 3rd Grading to have a high grades I will pass my projects on time.
                         LEARNING ABOUT COMPUTER IS FUN!!! :) :) :)                                     

Sabado, Setyembre 29, 2012


                 The Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC), the first and largest umbrella science club organization, in its 41st year of unfaltering expertise, proudly presents an electrifying September-long activity that will leave you charged up. With the theme, “SCIENTRICITY: Energizing Science Clubbers for Sustainable Energy”.
                Sustainable energy is the sustainable provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Technologies that promote sustainable energy include renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, and tidal power, and also technologies designed to improve energy efficiency. Sustainable Energy is changing the way the world installs solar power, with innovative solutions to enhance energy output from solar power systems.  Sustainable Energy Solutions promotes the increased use and deployment of clean energy technologies and services as a means to support economic development and reduce poverty in developing countries. 
                   Whenever you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary contributor to global warming, and other pollutants. We should  not waste energy! We should Conserve it! Because this is also for our own good......most especially to our ENVIRONMENT.