Dear Mr.President,
First of all,I want to greet you a pleasant day.I wish if you read this letter you will grant all the things that I want you to do in our own country.I will be happy if you will grant all my wishes for our country. It is almost two years that you have been elected as the president of our country.Many things has changed because of you,some of our problems here in the philippines solve and our country is now progressive because of your great leadership.I wish you continue solving our problems especially the problems about poverty,many people is not eating three times a day because they dont have enough money to buy and they dont have occupation because they did not graduate in college because their parents dont have enough money to sent them on college.Many people is dying because of poverty.I wish you can solve this problem because the people who are suffering is increasing.I wish our country will be ok and I wish all the problems will be solve.